Who stepped in America first?―日本祖人論(3)

カテゴリー: 最新情報,前線ルポ

Nara Akira http://www.sunda-wind.net

Who stepped in America first?

Related to my theory RLPP, news.com.au picked up topic on the title and introduced new findings of Harvard Medical School as it challenges established thinking.

The latest DNA analysis of Harvard Medical School is that DNA of 3 tribes in Amazon are the same, very similar to those of Aborigines, Papua New Guinea, Andaman islands.

Source: Pontus Skoglund, Harvard Medical School/Nature

Source: Pontus Skoglund, Harvard Medical School/NatureSource:Supplied

The news Article draws a chart of established thinking as below, but it has big questions.

Source: Raghavan et al./ Science (2015)

To Harvard doctors’ surprise, 3 Amazon tribes’ DNA aren’t similar to any DNA in North American Indians.

It means both of two types DNA , Aborigines and Amazon, aren’t the type of cold weather people’s, so Aborigines type didn’t come through Siberia and the Bering to America.

And starting point of established thinking is also not good. It’s different from Aborigines, Papua New Guinea and Andaman islands of southern region, Pangkal(Original) I named.

I paid attention to initial starting region as Pangkal(Original), by adding the fact that Aborigines’ DNA are most similar to South Indians. In that era, Sundaland and Sahul land existed under rich environment in spite of ice age.

People in this region deployed up north little by little  in sea shore life. Vast sea shore existed as sea surface was 130m below in that era.

After reaching Taiwan, around 40,000 years ago, they went into Japanese archipelago and continued deployment. It’s known by DNA analysis in Japan that ancient Jomon people was very similar to no other than Andaman island and Tibet.

Warm sea current Kuroshio is supporting their proceeding in Japan.  And analysis of ancient tools of Stone Age in Japan also indicates this.

It’s really difficult to find evidences near sea shore in that era,  as 130m sea surface up now, but evidences of Japanese Crossing Pacific Ocean were found some related to America in later-on age.

The same structure and style of only one certain(South Kyusyu in Japan) Jomon(14,000BC-1,000BC)  pottery were found under deep earth layer and other Japanese type things, too at village Ecuador. Rare specific virus of Japanese were only found in Andes tribes. And ancient human bone, may be Jomon’s in 9,000 years ago, was found at Colombia riverside in Washington state, USA..

In that era, we can’t think that Panglkal crossed Pacific ocean directly and landed in South America, it’s difficult and no evidence at all.

It can be said that Pangkal, people in South Eastern Asia, went up north, crossed North Pacific or through Aleutian Islands from Japan, reached North America and  down to South America in a clockwise fashion. I named it as RLPP Theory. Birds’ flying route and sea current support this.

Anyway, Pangkal people in South Eastern Asia, through Japanese archipelago, stepped in America first before people in Siberia came in through the Bering and descendant Pangkal, they were also original Japanese before Jomon era.

They weren’t tourists, some were surely failed, brave activity and with women. Aira eruption(27,000BC) might push them so.

Even, they’d already crossed sea from Izu to Kouzushima for getting and trade obsidian in around 30,000BC~.  I named them as Nihon Sojin(Origin).



