It is fantastic that ancestors of Japanese and Australian Aborigine seems to get separated in Sulawesi where exist rich paleolithic remains include cave painting of boats.
The route of Modern Human’s migration are very similar to those of angel birds.
Harvard Medical School found and have been surprised by old Amazon tribes’ DNA which are only similar to those of aborigines in Sundaland area and Andamans. Is that a connection of Beringia?
図左日・豪の原郷スンダランド外スラウェシ(赤丸地域))は、現世人類がおそらくフネで渡る必要があった東西動植物環境変化のwallace線を越えた所です。そのマロスMaros洞窟では手型や動物など旧石器時代の絵が有名ですが、最新のウラン年代測定で最古のモノはセレベス豚を描いたもので45,000年前と鑑定確認され、完全に欧州洞窟絵先進観を覆しました(Science Advances 13 Jan 2021)。