実は、②既にシベリア・マンモスハンターが、ベリンジアから追って陸路で入って来た定説は崩れていますが、欧米ではそのイメ-ジを強く引きずっているためか、北海道(日本側の発信無し)、バイカル湖などを並べて検討、説明している ① 図はありません。今回は、③湿地における子供の様子(9~14歳)や多種の動植物を含めてよく復元されています。④テレビでは、既に絶滅した動物を含めて驚きの足跡の様子を報じていますが、それは足跡と種子の科学年代分析という議論になり難いはっきりした対象を、多くの科学者と大学研究者が関わって慎重に検討した信頼性が影響しているのでしょう。さて、本来なら、「沿岸から入って来て拡がった、この子供の祖先はB内陸のシべリア狩猟族でしょうか、それともA沿岸の北海道祖人でしょうか、今後の研究と解明が待たれます」となるところでしょう。
It’s very strange, but no book, no TV program , no youtube movie at all on the beginning of Japanese History, “Sodai” era before Jomon. Proto-Japanese “Sojin” should be paid attention more in discussion on First Americans, as surprising discoveries continue recently.
①They crossed the Izu sea to get obsidian at Tokyo Islands and exchange in broad area f region since 38,000 years ago! ② Bones, 27,000 BP were found in the Ishigaki island, Okinawa. Those weren’t so different from the Sundaland type. ③ Polished stone tools, found in all over Japan are 10,000 years earlier than those in Middle East and in Europe. ④ Remains of Stone tools’ fragments were discovered in Sano city and those indicate ancient circle camp life just like a native Indian’s. ⑤Trapping pit hunting holes were discovered in sites from south to north. Big and many holes were made without metal shovels, in well organized settings. ⑥ Old fishhook were found in south island.
Proto-Japanese crossed the narrow Tsugaru strait and migrated to Hokkaido, prevailed along “Kelp Highway” of rich maritime materials by 30,000 BP and seems to have continued going up north to Beringia, because Putin wasn’t at that time.